About Co-mender


Co-mender is a technology driven company that provides high quality specialized construction and engineering services supported by the state-of-the-art solutions and products.

In Co-mender’s innovative business model, the partnership and collaboration are key to success, Co-mender plays an essential role to connect the local partners and local engineers with our experts and solutions providers creating a win-win position for every one, great competitive edge to our local partners and an added value to our customers.

At the job site, Co-mender’s technology-driven process facilitates the collaboration between the projects teams to ensure a proper supervision and superior deliverable’s in all our projects.


  • Provide our Partners the state of the art solutions to communicate and collaborate efficiently.

  • Offer our customers the world class expertise and the qualified local construction and testing capabilities to protect, strengthen and preserve their concrete infrastructures at utmost convenience.


To be the spearhead of technological transformation and the leaders in developing innovative solutions for the specialized construction industry.


November 2014 :

Co-mender was founded based on the team technical knowledge in the concrete repair, strengthening, protection and waterproofing of concrete structures in different industries and also based on deep understanding of latest technology development that can shape the specialized contracting and change the way things are done today.

March 2017 :

The first partnership in Saudi Arabia was developed with Skyjeddah in Jeddah City

November 2017 :

Co-mender was incubated by Cilex Gatineau – Canada.

April 2018 :

Co-mender developed a partnership in Kuwait with Canar Contracting and trading. The first Approved Applicator was founded.

June 2019 :

Co-mender developed a new partnership in Qatar with MACE- Qatar.

We are global.

Co-mender strives to grow through locating the right contracting partners, bringing
international expertise to local markets, investigating advancing technology, industry changes
and the varying needs of our clientele as our industry evolves.

Our Premium Technology Partners